Adventures of the Retired Guy

Adventures of the Retired Guy

Stuff and nonsense from a retired guy

03 Mar 2024

CCR A/V cheat sheet

  1. Get iPad and extension cord on reel from Michelle's office.
  2. Unlock and turn on amp tower
    1. Key is hanging on bottom right of pulpit.
    2. Power switch is top row right side of amp.
      It's the only thing you need to adjust on the amp.
  3. Wiring from pulpit back to amp (assuming the laptop is on the pulpit)
    1. Extension cord for laptop unreeled to pulpit
    2. HDMI cable to pulpit
      Other end should already be plugged into wall behind amp. Cable is directional. Laptop end of HDMI should be labled "Source".
    3. Cover both cords with cable channel.
  4. Microphones kept in tray in amp. We like the headset boom mic and the heavy "Sennheiser" handheld. Crystal likes using the gooseneck mic on the pulpit, too.
    1. Check batteries in boom and handheld. Good to start with 3 bars! Extra batteries on the tray in the amp, if needed.
    2. Turn on mics,
      1. boom -- power switch behind the flap door
      2. handheld -- little red button on bottom of mic, hold for several seconds, red LED comes on.
  5. Warm up iPad
    1. unlock code 6 digits 123456
    2. Open X32 app (see pics)
    3. Controls:
      1. Select channel bank on top row
      2. Adjust level of individual channel below
      3. Pulpit - channel 1,
      4. Boom - channel 8
      5. Handheld - channel 10 or 11 (on channel bank 9-16)
      6. Main speaker - channel LR (on bank Mtx-Main)
    4. Level set -- 0 dB +/- for everything is a good starting point.
      1. Adjust main volume below 0 dB, never more.
      2. Start mics at 0 dB, adjust as needed.
      3. Master output level also 0 dB

Pulpit and Boom mic -- channel bank 1-8 Pulpit and boom mic

Handheld -- channel bank 9-16 Handheld

Main Speakers - channel bank Main Main Speakers