Idea for next week's discussion: What's the problem with immigrants? If it's tnot the congestion at the boarder, then what? Assert: residents here (not all of them voters) are afraid immigrants will be a net drain on "our society", especially refugees showing up at our border who obviously need a lot right now. But is there also an element of jealousy that especially, capable and better-motivated "normal" immigrants will displace our children and ourselves in the slots that our society has for members? And the typical element of "fear of the other"? We create rhetorical straw men then rail against that, point out how hard it is to solve the problem when defined in those terms. Examples "border crisis", "illegal" vs "undocumented" immigrants, "welfare cheats", "anchor babies". It's faster and easier to create these scare words than it is to refute them (when you can). Is it worth the effort to try to research and refute them?